Tuesday 24 July 2012

Official opening of Inkanyezi Creche

The event was filled with people from all over the
community, as well as important government officials.

Last Wednesday, African Impact volunteers and staff celebrated a very special Nelson Mandela Day with the opening of Inkanyezi Crèche, a day care run by Mama Gumede, who African Impact volunteers have been assisting since late 2010.

After three weeks of intensive building and preparations, and months building bricks and making other renovations, the volunteers spent the days before the event preparing resources to decorate the classroom, cleaning Inkanyezi’s large property and even making flower arrangements and helping cook the event’s food.

It was a great day of celebration for the community as many people came to see the doors open, including representatives from Department of Welfare, Department of Health and Department of Education.

Local Councilor Siyabonga Khumalo highlighted the importance of the event being held on Mandela Day, stating, “This day is a very important one to all South Africa since we all know that the honourable Mr. Nelson Mandela, the first black South African President, was born on this day.”

Mandela was a strong advocate for education and learning, which made the event being held on his birthday all the more special for those involved.

Khumalo went on to mention just how thankful he was for African Impact’s continued support of the community, and how development in the region must be driven and supported by the people.

With well over 130 people in attendance, the event was filled with dancing and singing from local musicians and groups, including dancing from the children of Monzi Primary, who wowed the crowd with a Mandela-related song.

Throughout the day the importance of pre-primary education was echoed, even by African Impact’s Community Coordinator Shwele Gumede, who works extensively at the crèches in the Khula community and has been working at Inkanyezi for a year and a half.

The highlight of the ceremony was Mama Gumede’s ceremonial opening of the crèche, as she was handed the key by African Impact Business Manager Sofie Hyllen. Everyone in attendance, including the volunteers, danced and sang around the crèche, with Mama Gumede in the lead.

Even over the past week we have seen an increase in the number of children attending the crèche, an exciting development for Mama Gumede, her teachers and our volunteers.

Special thanks to the Happy Africa Foundation for funding the building of the crèche, and to all those involved in providing support – whether it be monetary or through volunteering with African Impact. 

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