Wednesday 10 April 2013

Volunteers thrill with themed Holiday Club

It was school holidays during the first week of April here in South Africa, so the volunteers organised a day camp for the kids in the Ezwenelisha community. Here is the update on how 'Holiday Club' went, written by current Education volunteer Bea. 

Day 1
Our week of Holiday Club started off by bringing out the competitive side of all the children (and maybe the volunteers…) with “sport” as our theme. The day was filled with egg and sack races, bowling, jumping over sticks and a fairly clean round of the very popular 'Soap Game.' A fun day for everyone, that ended with snacks and big smiles for all the children.

Day 2
As the second day of Holiday Club began, we set our sights on putting in an effort to help our planet with “Earth Day” as our theme. Even though Mother Nature wasn’t on our side to begin with by giving us a pretty rainy morning during our trash hunt, the day turned out fantastic with a lot of recycling and learning. After picking up trash and learning how long it takes for it to decompose, the children got to make “I heart Earth”-pins as well as flowers and pen holders out of recycled plastic bottles and cans. A green and successful day for all participants we would say, and especially our planet.

Day 3
Day three started out pretty wild with all the children joining our Circle of Life for animal charades as an introduction to our third theme of the week – animals. After some impressive animal impersonations we moved on to playing “Crocodile cross the river” which got even the youngest ones in the group running around. As most of the children moved on to playing the very popular “Chunky monkey” game, the rest went with two of our volunteers to get their faces painted. Once they were happily painted as animals to stick to the theme, the rest of the children got their faces painted as well. Sixty butterflies and leopards later the children lined up for some appreciated juice and cookies after spending a fun day in the animal kingdom. 

Day 4
The grand finale of our week of Holiday Club was grand to say the least. The boys and girls had been preparing all week for the coolest (and possibly the cutest) activity so far, “Ezwenelisha's got talent." Some impressive talents took the stage and the day was filled with singing and traditional Zulu dancing, making it very difficult for the judges to vote. Once the winners had been crowned, a happy mix of both boys and girls who came in first, second and third place received some pretty cool prizes as well as everyone who participated and we managed to create a nice combination of children and sugar. In other words, we had a great ending of an amazing week filled with fun activities and a lot of smiles! 

Click here to see a video of the last day at Holiday Club!

Click here to see more photos from Holiday Club. 

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