Monday 21 November 2011


The following is a blog post written by Mark, one of our current medical volunteers. Please follow Mark's adventures here in St Lucia and beyond on his personal site

A friend recently asked in regard to my stay in St Lucia, "Are you loving it, liking it or just soldiering through it?"

I love it ---and a 20-minute walk through the community this week helped me put things in perspective.

I particularly enjoy the chance to establish a rapport with the people. This can be something as simple as a smile and "ngiyabonga" ("thank you") from a grandmother I've just helped out of a car, a friendly wave from a man working in a field as I walk by or the recognition and warm welcome I always get from members of the support groups.

The most rewarding experiences, however, are usually the ones I'm most hesitant and nervous about. That 20 minute walk wasn't just a leisurely stroll. I was on my way with another volunteer to teach an HIV/AIDS awareness class for 7th graders at the primary school.

It is a 6-day course taught in a straight forward but hopefully engaging manner. No words are minced and no subject matter is glossed over. There is a condom demonstration on an anatomical model and the students are given an opportunity to practice with a condom as well.

You all know me well enough to know that when I first arrived here the thought of teaching such a course made me uncomfortable if not terrified. I made up my mind, however, that such a course is absolutely critical in a community where potentially 8 out of 10 people are infected with the virus.

The staff here mentioned that time and again past volunteers have commented that, despite early apprehension, teaching the course proved to be a highlight of their stay.

I am no exception.

Thanks to the interest, enthusiasm and maturity of the students and in no small part to the engaging teaching style of my colleague the course proved to be a great success.

As I watched the students eagerly participate in the class I felt a sense of price both in them and, I must admit, in myself for being able to successfully accomplish something way out of my comfort zone.

This is a perfect example of why I find my time here so rewarding.

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